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Website Promotion

Website promotion is the continuing process to promote a website to bring more visitors to the website.
Many techniques such as content development, search engine optimization (also known as SEO), and search engine submission, are used increase the traffic to a site.
How to promote a website

1.Submit website to the major search engines
It’s important that a web site be listed in the search engines to gain more traffic. Often traffic from the main search engines are the ideal visitors that a webmaster would want. Be aware though that it is usually much faster to let a search engine find your site through inbound links than through their site submission forms. Check the search listings for yout keywords and look for pages that you can request links on.

2.Search engine optimization
Just being listed in the search engines isn’t enough to bring you traffic, a web site must be search engine optimized in order to get a good ranking. The most important technique is to get backlinks(Inbound links), search engines rely on backlinks to see how popular a web site is, it’s thought that if one web site links to another, the webmaster must have thought the web site offered something useful to their visitors. You should also place your most important keywords in the meta tags and especially yout link text! When seeking incoming links from others, try your hardest to get them to use your target keywords as the anchor text pointing at your site, this is very important!

3.Use pay-per-click search engines to get keyword targeted traffic
If a webmaster can’t get his/her web site listed in the search engines or can’t get a very good ranking the next best thing to do is use pay per click because it allows their web site to be listed higher in the search results.

4.Put URL in all business press releases
After writing a press release you should always include a link back to your web site. If your press release is interesting you may get lucking and see your press release featured on a few big sources.
These SEO Tools were designed to help in Search Engine Optimization for different search engines. Using any of these SEO Tools wisely can dramatically help in increasing Search Engine Positioning for top rankings within search engines.

List of other ways to promote a website

  • Seek out quality, on-topic sites using search engine
  • Use a ‘Traffic Exchange’ program.
  • Put website URL on all printed materials
  • Multiple domain names covering common variations of business name and type of service or product the business sells.
  • Add URL to email, newsgroup and forum signatures
  • Put URL on business uniforms
  • Give promotional items with the website URL
  • Put URL in all business press releases
  • Put URL on company vehicles
  • Regularly add good content to a website
  • Submit written reviews of your website to print media such as magazines
  • Include URL in any classified advertising
  • Use your link as your signature in related forums.

Source Wikipedia

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What Is RSS?

RSS is technology - a simple software program - that allows you to access web and blog content automatically. The acronym’s most popular translation is “Really Simple Syndication. Once your browser or computer has an RSS reader on board, you can subscribe to any number of RSS “feeds.” A feed is simply a way in which a reader may subscribe to website content - most commonly blogs or news sites. A news site, for example, may list their latest headlines or entire articles in their feed every time a new article is published. A blog would publish this feed as a series of recent posts.

Feeds are published by millions of publishers, from small individuals to large organizations like Newsweek. The value of a feed is that it brings the most current site content to you in a format that is easily scanned; further, you are spared the task of visiting each source site each day. This is typically done through the use of what is called an ‘aggregator’ or ‘feed reader’.
Feed readers or RSS readers, are software programs that run on your computer (or PDA or phone); let you easily subscribe to feeds, and allow you to read through them efficiently. Some are relatively simple, showing the headline and summary. The fancier ones often work with (or in) your browser to make viewing the material look much like the source page. Once you have a reader on your computer, subscribing to a feed with is an easy click or drag from your browser. Sites that provide RSS feeds will usually have a button for that purpose.
There are several RSS feed formats as well as one with an entirely different methodology called Atom. Atom has become popular with some bloggers and blogging tools. Some aggregators can read both. The other acronyms you will see in “feedspeak” are XML, which stands for ‘extensible markup language’ and is the code standard for these simple text feeds. An ‘OPML” file is a format for indexing hierarchical feed lists. If you dive into this web habit in a big way, your aggregator or reader may keep your subscription list in an OPML file.

An RSS feed is a great method for staying abreast of issues and topics that interest you. There are a number of feed “libraries,” so to speak, from which you can learn what’s out there in your areas of interest. Google has a built-in reader that makes the subscription process easy, as does Yahoo. Firefox has a downloadable extension for the purpose of aggregating RSS feeds, as well as a default ability to save RSS feeds as “live bookmarks” that update via the RSS feed. You can download a number of stand alone readers and aggregators; you can find them through a simple web search.
The whole RSS “movement” is a step towards utilizing the Internet more efficiently. The trick is to avoid overloading your email inbox with daily reports that you end up ignoring most of the time. For that purpose, there are sites like Feedster that will search millions of RSS feeds for articles that are relevant to your interests. Like any search tool, however, these services are hit and miss. They are still working off keywords and sometimes what they find is relevant, sometimes not. But if you want daily news broken into categories, it’s great technology once you learn how to make it work for you.

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Sejarah Internet

Secara harafiah, internet (kependekan dari kata inter-network) ialah rangkaian komputer yang berhubung menerus ke beberapa rangkaian.Internet ialah sistem komputer umum, yang berhubung secara global dan menggunakan TCP/IP sebagai protokol pertukaran paket (packet switching communication protocol).
Cara menghubungkan rangkaian dengan kaedah ini dinamakan internetworking.
Rangkaian pusat yang membentuk Internet diawali pada tahun 1969 sebagai ARPANET, yang dibangun oleh ARPA (United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Beberapa penyelidikan awal yang disumbang oleh ARPANET termasuk kaedah rangkaian tanpa-pusat (decentralised network), teori queueing, dan kaedah pertukaran paket (packet switching).

Pada 01 Januari 1983, ARPANET menukar protokol rangkaian pusatnya, dari NCP ke TCP/IP. Ini merupakan awal dari Internet yang kita kenal hari ini.Pada sekitar 1990-an, Internet telah berkembang dan menyambungkan kebanyakan pengguna jaringan-jaringan komputer yang ada.
Intenet dijaga oleh perjanjian bi- atau multilateral dan spesifikasi teknikal (protokol yang menerangkan tentang perpindahan data antara rangkaian). Protokol-protokol ini dibentuk berdasarkan perbincangan Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), yang terbuka kepada umum. Badan ini mengeluarkan dokumen yang dikenali sebagai RFC (Request for Comments). Sebagian dari RFC dijadikan Standar Internet (Internet Standard), oleh Badan Arsitektur Internet (Internet Architecture Board - IAB). Protokol-protokol internet yang sering digunakan adalah seperti, IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP, dan SSL.

Beberapa layanan populer di internet yang menggunakan protokol di atas, ialah email/surat_elektronik, Usenet, Newsgroup, perkongsian file (File Sharing), WWW (World Wide Web), Gopher, akses sesi (Session Access), WAIS, finger, IRC, MUD, dan MUSH. Di antara semua ini, email/surat_elektronik dan World Wide Web lebih kerap digunakan, dan lebih banyak servis yang dibangun berdasarkannya, seperti milis (Mailing List) dan Weblog. Internet memungkinkan adanya servis terkini (Real-time service), seperti web radio, dan webcast, yang dapat diakses di seluruh dunia.Beberapa servis Internet populer yang berdasarkan sistem Tertutup(?)(Proprietary System), adalah seperti IRC, ICQ, AIM, CDDB, dan Gnutella.
Source Wikipedia

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Proses Turn Off Komputer anda lama ? Simak tips berikut untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut tanpa menggunakan software Utility.

  1. Klik tombol "Start Run"
  2. Ketik : Regedit
  3. Cari key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
  4. Dobel Klik pada nilai : HungAppTimeOut
  5. Rubah nilainya menjadi 4000, nilai sebelumnya kemungkinan 5000 atau 20000.
  6. Langkah selanjutnya cari key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\
  7. Dobel Klik pada : WaitToKillServiceTimeOut
  8. dan rubah nilainya menjadi : 4000

Sekarang tutup jendela regedit dan Matikan komputer Anda untuk melihat perubahan yang dihasilkan.

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Adsense doesn't give you ultimate control over which ads are served, how the ads are rotated or what each click is worth. That's a good thing, because it's hands-free income.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Google gives you a great deal of control over your ads, and especially their visual or graphic elements. By tweaking these elements to your advantage, you could easily — in as little as a few minutes — multiply your click-throughs many, many times over!

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